A smart wallet is an on-chain wallet built to make it easier than ever for users to get started. It exists entirely in the browser, with no need to install extensions or apps. It uses passkeys for signing, no seed phrases, no passwords, no third parties.
Our goal with the Altcoinist consumer-facing app was to bring innovation and easy UX to the market, and this is why we integrated the most novel wallet solution, the Coinbase Smart Wallet.
Our decision to integrate the Smart Wallet in addition to the Easy UX and Onboarding was the Account-Abstraction Technology. AA defines a standard for meta-transactions such that users can transact and have them executed by a third party.
On-chain Subscriptions Through Pull Payments
AA helps usher in a 10x in user experience through sponsored gas + bundled transactions + Passkey adoption. AA also enables the ability for developers to experiment with sponsored onboarding for a new user.
Batch Transactions for Better UX and Sponsored Onboarding
The Coinbase Smart Wallet team is actively developing new ways for third-party signers to use Smart Wallet!
We look forward to bringing our UX to the next level when Session Keys go live!